Take your business online
Selling Online for Small Business
The world has changed and shifts in consumer spending habits are here to stay. To survive, companies must quickly take their business online or get left behind. Our e-commerce experts know that setting up a virtual storefront is just the first step to selling online. We help you take your business there too, showing you how to manage and maintain it long after we’re gone.
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Selling online for Small Business helps you:

  • Quickly adapt your business to current online consumer habits
  • Set up your online store using effective best practices
  • Identify an initial product line-up that is most likely to generate a return
  • Explore marketing strategies to drive online traffic and sales
  • Use inventory management and forecasting to manage growth successfully
  • Learn how to run a profitable e-commerce business

#Three-step coaching process for taking your business online

Assess your readiness for e-commerce. Position your online store to compete effectively in its market. Quantify a customer journey that will generate online sales. Identify quick wins to accelerate your launch.
Identify the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of your online store to maximize profitability. Choose an effective domain name, design theme, order fulfillment process, and more. Shape key business policies related to shipping, returns, refunds and privacy. Draft compelling, web-friendly homepage and product-page text.
Set KPIs to measure success and adjust to trends. Develop customer service standards to secure loyalty. Prepare your team for online selling. Boost sales with effective marketing strategies. Ramp up your operations to manage growth profitably. Drive growth with an e-commerce roadmap to guide your actions

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a new project together