Shark’s self-emptying robot vacuum is half off for today only

Tất cả các sản phẩm do Engadget đề xuất đều được lựa chọn bởi nhóm biên tập của chúng tôi, độc lập với công ty mẹ của chúng tôi. Một số câu chuyện của chúng tôi bao gồm các liên kết liên kết. Nếu bạn mua thứ gì đó thông qua một trong những liên kết này, chúng tôi có thể kiếm được hoa hồng liên kết. Tất cả giá đều chính xác tại thời điểm xuất bản.

One of Shark's higher-end robot vacuums is on sale at Amazon, and you may want to check it out if you're looking for a model with a clean base. The Shark IQ RV1001AE robot vacuum is currently listed for $300, and the deal is only available today. That's half off the model's original retail price of $600 and just a dollar more than its all-time low on the website. The RV1001AE vacuum features powerful suction that can clean both bare floors and carpets, as well as a self-cleaning brush roll that can remove pet and human hair on its own. No more balls of tangled hair getting stuck and preventing the vacuum from being able to clean efficiently.

Buy Shark RV1001AE IQ Robot at Amazon – $300

The machine cleans the floor row by row, and its IQ navigation capability means it can map your whole home so that you can select specific rooms to clean. If it runs out of battery, it can even go back to its dock, recharge and pick up from where it left off. When you want to the robot to start cleaning, you can get it to move by controlling it with your voice through Alexa and Google Assistant. And yes, the vacuum is also connected to the company's app, which you can use to schedule cleanings for your whole house or for certain rooms at specific hours of the day. The robot empties its bin into the clean base once it's done, and that bagless base can hold up to 45 days' worth of dirt.

In case you'd rather get a model you can manually use — maybe your pet is deathly afraid of robot vacuums or maybe you personally want to make sure no corner gets missed — Shark has another two models on sale at Amazon. The Shark IZ363HT has a self-cleaning brush roll, as well, and is listed for $230 at 34 percent off. Meanwhile, the Shark IZ483H is currently on sale for $300, or $200 off its regular price. It has a self-cleaning brush roll, a removable hand vacuum and a 120-minute battery life on a single charge.

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