Sony’s God of War: Ragnarok PS5 bundle is $50 off right now

Tất cả các sản phẩm do Engadget đề xuất đều được lựa chọn bởi nhóm biên tập của chúng tôi, độc lập với công ty mẹ của chúng tôi. Một số câu chuyện của chúng tôi bao gồm các liên kết liên kết. Nếu bạn mua thứ gì đó thông qua một trong những liên kết này, chúng tôi có thể kiếm được hoa hồng liên kết. Tất cả giá đều chính xác tại thời điểm xuất bản.

If you've had your eye on the PS5 and Thần chiến tranh: Ragnarok, which just happens to be one of our best PlayStation 5 games for 2023, then this is your chance to get both together at a discount. The PS5 Thần chiến tranh: Ragnarok bó lại is currently on sale for $510, or $50 less than its usual price. That means you can get the game for only $11, considering the phiên bản đĩa của bảng điều khiển on its own will set you back $499. You can even choose between đàn bà gan dạAdorama if you decide to get the bundle, which also includes a DualSense controller in addition to a voucher for the full game. 

PlayStation PS5 Console – God of War Ragnarok Bundle


The PS5 was notoriously hard to find in the previous years, because supply chain constraints during the pandemic made it difficult for Sony to keep up with the demand. Things only started to change last year, when supply chain issues eased up enough for the company to be able to promise that it was going to ramp up production of the console. Back in February, Sony announced that it had sold 7.1 million PS5s from October to December 2022 despite a price hike across several regions in August. That's an 82 percent increase from the same quarter a year before, signifying an end to the the console's availability issues. 

There were no real discounts for the PS5 when it was barely available anywhere, and it's only now when Sony has finally caught up that we've started seeing good deals for the console. While we'll likely see more in the coming months, this could be one of the best deals to pop up if you're a God of War quạt. 

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