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Падкаст Engadget: паўстанне Reddit, агляды MacBook Air 15 і Mac Studio

What good is Reddit without the support of its community? This week, Cherlynn and Devindra discuss the recent subreddit revolts, following the company’s decision to dramatically increase the cost of its API for third parties. …

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iOS 17 прадстаўляе лепшую новую функцыю, якой вы, спадзяюся, ніколі не скарыстаецеся

The upcoming iOS 17 update for Apple’s iPhones, expected to drop in mid-September 2023, is bringing a host of changes and new features. However, one update, in particular, could end up being one of the …

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iOS 17 прапануе 72-гадзіннае акно для скіду пароля, калі вы яго забыліся: падрабязнасці

iOS 17 will let you reset the passcode on you iPhone for up to three days after it has been changed, a feature that could prevent you from being locked out of your smartphone if …

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Цяпер ЗША з'яўляюцца другім па велічыні рынкам электрамабіляў пасля Кітая

The US has routinely lagged behind Europe and other regions in terms of EV adoption, but no longer. Counterpoint estimates that American EV sales jumped 79 percent year-over-year in the first quarter of 2023, helping …

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Дата выхаду Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty, гісторыя, геймплэй і ўсё, што мы ведаем

With the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty release date now out in the wild, we are incredibly excited for the expansion to deliver us a spy-thriller episode in our Night City adventures. You’ll be challenged to …

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Honda Elevate First Look: асаблівасці, варыянты рухавіка і многае іншае

Honda has released some really cool and feature-packed cars in the past, but we haven't seen a new model in India for many years. The Japanese automaker has now announced its latest SUV, called the …

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