Kategorija: Engadget

juni 23
Toyota povlači skoro 3,000 bZ4X EV zbog potencijalno smrtonosnog defekta kotača

Toyota's US launch of the unpronounceable bZ4X EV is off to a rough start with the…

juni 23
Netflix otpušta još 300 zaposlenih

has laid off around 300 people in its latest round of job cuts. Most of the layoffs…

juni 23
Google olakšava sinhronizaciju vaših stvari između Android telefona i Chromebooka

is rolling out version 103, which includes features that will make it easier for users…

juni 23
Microsoft Edge ažuriranje donosi Xbox streaming 'Clarity Boost' svima

Microsoft is hoping to make Edge the browser of choice for gamers. The company is…

juni 23
Blackmagic-ova Pocket Cinema Camera 6K druge generacije ima veću bateriju i nižu cijenu

Blackmagic is finally updating the base Pocket Cinema Camera 6K with some welcome (if…

juni 23
No Man's Sky će sletjeti na Nintendo Switch 7. oktobra

will make its long-awaited arrival on Nintendo Switch on October 7th. The Switch…

juni 23
'Čudni novi svjetovi' miješaju ljutito i nepoštovanje

The following article discusses spoilers for The Elysian Kingdom. There’s a genre of…

juni 23
Instagram testira AI alat za skeniranje lica koji može potvrditi vaše godine

Instagram is testing new age verification methods including asking followers to vouch…

juni 23
Polestar 5 će ponuditi električni pogon od 884 KS kada bude lansiran 2024.

The Polestar 5 is making its first public appearance at the 2022 Goodwood Festival of…

juni 23
TikTok-ova aplikacija za veliki ekran stiže na Vizio televizore

users now have another way to catch up on their For You page. is available on smart…