Address concerns or opportunities in specific areas
Aftësitë e shitjeve, marketingut dhe zgjerimit
Zbuloni më shumë

Get all the pieces working together to drive revenue.

Ndikimi i markës
Make your brand stand out and strengthen your position in the market.
Tregtia elektronike dhe prania në internet
Increase your online presence and sales by optimizing your web presence, digital activities, and e-commerce website.
Sales impact
Increase sales, plan and forecast with better data and generate a higher return.
Promotion results
Build a more effective promotional strategy. Align campaign activities to your business goals and get a better ROI.
Marketing Digital
Get better results from your digital marketing. Increase visibility on social media, maintain interest in your company, and generate sales leads.
Programi i Rritjes së të Ardhurave
Become more strategic, less tactical. Build an actionable marketing plan based on your industry, market, customers and objectives, and measure the results of your activities for future planning.
Plani ndërkombëtar i zgjerimit
Drive your sales in all markets.
Accelerate your sales growth in foreign markets with a plan tailored to your business situation and goals.

Le të fillojmë

një projekt i ri së bashku