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Аустралијске банке повлаче подршку за 'ризичне' берзе како би уздрмале крипто сектор

Owing to a rise in financial scams linked to cryptocurrencies, several traditional banks in Australia have decided to pull back support for crypto exchanges. The National Australia Bank (NAB) has joined others in halting payments …


Аппле наводно развија сопствени генеративни АИ цхатбот који ће бити конкурент ЦхатГПТ-у

Throughout the burgeoning “AI wars”, Apple has remained suspiciously silent, until now. The company is creating its very own chatbot, as originally reported by Bloomberg. Engineers have cheekily named the toolset “AppleGPT,” but it’s actually …


МедПерф има за циљ да убрза медицинску вештачку интелигенцију док чува податке приватним

JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images Applying machine learning forms of artificial intelligence to medicine is hampered by the sensitivity of the data that would be used to train the models. A new effort known as “federated” training …


Оверватцх 2 је сада на Стеам-у са приступом достигнућима и још много тога

Overwatch 2 will be available for all players on Steam, becoming the first of hopefully many Blizzard titles to join the online gaming platform.  Blizzard announced that Overwatch 2 will be added to Steam come …


иПхоне 16 може да користи нову технологију батерије да понуди дужи век трајања батерије: детаљи

iPhone 15 series is expected to go official in September with upgrades in design as well as specifications. Apple hasn't announced any details regarding the iPhone 15 series, but we're already hearing a lot about …


Гоогле-ова апликација Неарби Схаре за Виндовс рачунаре је сада званично доступна

says its app for Windows PCs is now officially available. A PC version of the app, which makes it a cinch to share files between devices like Android phones and Chromebooks, has , but it's …
