BPA technology to automate activities
Business Process Automation Services
Business process automation (BPA) is the use of technology to automate activities or services. It is a crucial part of digital transformation, as it increases service quality, improves delivery time, and contains costs in any operation.
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Business Process Automation Services

Within our BPA solutions, automated business processes are managed collectively to improve an organization’s overall workflow by achieving greater efficiency, adapting to changing business needs, reducing human error, and clarifying job roles and responsibilities.

Like a train track, a well implemented BPA solution ensures your processes reach their intended goal in an accurate and timely manner. And embedded tracking functions enable you to keep an eye on the status of your processes within the established workflow.

#How does it work?

Business processes are typically triggered by an event, such as the filing of an expense report. This trigger event initiates a set of predefined processes, or workflow steps. The workflow concludes when the final step is taken, such as when the employee is reimbursed for the submitted expenses.

When you automate a workflow, you create an owner for each step of the process. Typical steps include initiation of a transaction, input of related data, and approval or rejection. Each is bound to one or more individuals expected to perform an action as part of the step.

#Boost efficiency through transparency

Business processes are typically triggered by an event, such as the filing of an expense report. This trigger event initiates a set of predefined processes, or workflow steps. The workflow concludes when the final step is taken, such as when the employee is reimbursed for the submitted expenses.

When you automate a workflow, you create an owner for each step of the process. Typical steps include initiation of a transaction, input of related data, and approval or rejection. Each is bound to one or more individuals expected to perform an action as part of the step.

#Benefits of smartMILE's Business Process Automation

  • Ensure compliance with your Standard Operating Procedures
  • Evaluate performance and identify bottlenecks with custom reports and dashboards
  • Customize the system to precisely fit your business processes
  • Scale and adapt the automation as your operation grows and evolves
  • Start using the turnkey solution immediately—pre-configured processes make it easy
  • Define business and escalation rules graphically

#We use Agile software solutions and methodology

This Agile approach enables us to meet your mission and business needs for BPA while reducing time, cost, and risk. We ensure every project benefits from repeatable, effective, and efficient practices.

Прегледајте циљеве пројекта, приступ, распоред и план рада. Посетите своје предузеће и састаните се са својим менаџерским тимом. Процените свој тренутни пословни модел, праксе и праксе обуке за управљање. Прегледајте своју организациону структуру и одговорности.
Дефинишите кључне показатеље учинка за главне функције вашег пословања. Успоставите комуникациону структуру која је прилагођена вашој организацији. Дизајнирајте концепт контролне табле који ће ваш тим користити за праћење перформанси. Поделите најбоље праксе у вези са алатима за пословну комуникацију и управљање.
Тестирајте, потврдите и усвојите нове алате, праксе и структуру комуникације. Обучите своје лидере за ефикасно управљање или учествовање у додирним тачкама на којима се размењују кључне информације. На основу налаза, направите промене у оквиру које резултирају брзом победом.


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