«Mythic Quest» сезон 3 дэбютуе 11 лістапада на Apple TV+

Прайшло амаль паўтара года, але вы гэта зробіце soon get to find out what happens next in Міфічны квест. Apple has выяўлена that season three of its game developer comedy series will debut on TV+ November 11th. There aren't more details about the plot, but the new episodes follow the impact of a studio shakeup. And of course, you can expect up-to-the-minute technology jokes. Let's just say there's a creative reinterpretation of “NFT.”

The series was created by and stars Сардэчна запрашаем у Рэксхэм subject Rob McElhenney as Ian, with Charlotte Nicdao as Poppy. The show has drawn attention not just for making game development an enjoyable topic for a TV series, but its connection to the industry — Ubisoft is involved in the production alongside Lionsgate and 3 Arts Entertainment.

As it is, Apple has a number of high-profile season releases due this fall. The second season of spy production Павольныя коні arrives December 2nd, while the immigrant anthology Маленькая Амерыка (the work of husband-and-wife team Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon) continues December 9th. Apple now has a string of well-known shows in the pipeline, even if Тэд Ласо remains its biggest attraction.

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