Az „Axie Infinity” hack áldozatai csak körülbelül egyharmadát kapják vissza annak, amit elveszítettek

Sky Mavis, the developer of blockchain game Axie Végtelen, says it will start reimbursing the victims of a $617 million hack that took place earlier this year. The attackers took $25.5 million in USDC (a stablecoin that’s pegged to the value of the US dollar) and 173,600 ether, which was worth around $591.2 million at the time. The FBI azt állította, North Korean state-backed hacker groups were behind the attack.

Impaktált Axie Végtelen players will be able to withdraw one ether token for each one they lost in the hack, Sky Mavis told Bloomberg (the company didn't mention a USDC reimbursement). However, as with other cryptocurrencies, the value of Ethereum has plummeted since the attack in March. 

Because of that, Sky Mavis will return around $216.5 million to users. It's possible that the price of Ethereum will rise again, but as things stand, affected users will get back around a third of what they lost.

In April, Sky Mavis raised $150 million in funding to help it pay back the victims. The developer tervek to reimburse affected users on June 28th, when it restarts the Ronin software bridge that the hackers targeted. 

Axie Végtelen is widely considered the most popular play-to-earn game. Players collect and mint NFTs representing creatures that battle each other, Pokémon-style. These NFTs can be sold to other players, with Sky Mavis charging a transaction fee. By February, Axie Végtelen had facilitated $4 billion in NFT sales.

However, the NFT market has all but bottomed out, which has had a significant impact on Axie Végtelen. For one thing, according to Bloomberg, the daily active user count dropped from 2.7 million in November to a quarter of that by the end of May.

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