Az OpenSea ritkaságuk alapján rangsorolja az NFT-ket, és célja a gyűjtők segítése

OpenSea NFT marketplace has enabled a new feature on its site, that will rank NFTs on the basis of their rarity. Named OpenRarity, this feature will enable collectors to find legitimitely rare digital collectibles, that have been drowining in the sea of NFTs out there. OpenRarity will provide verifiable rarity calculations for NFTs using a mathamatical approach for calculations. Rare NFTs will be awarded lower numbers. OpenSea claims to be the world's biggest NFT marketplace that touched the market cap of over $13 billion earier this year.

OpenSea announced the implementation of this protocol to its 1.8 million followers on Twitter.

“Today we are launching @OpenRarity on OpenSea! We're starting with the wonderful @coolcatsnft @pudgypenguins and @moonbirds teams, who have opted their collections into OpenRarity,”the platform wrote in its tweet.

NFT creators will have the control to choose to apply the OpenRarity feature to their pieces.

“OpenRarity is an open collaboration between OpenSea,, Curio, and PROOF. On OpenSea, creators have the choice of whether to opt-in to show OpenRarity rarity rankings for their collection,” the platform írt

Az NFT-piac 231 milliárd dolláros (körülbelül 18,41,300 2030 360 milliárdos) óriás lesz XNUMX-ra, és ez túl nagy üzlet ahhoz, hogy figyelmen kívül hagyjuk – vélekedik Tarusha Mittal, az UniFarm COO és társalapítója a Gadgets XNUMX-nal folytatott beszélgetésben. UniFarm egy több token jutalom tétprogram.

Owning NFTs has off-late, become a trend. NFTs have been proving to be a lucrative business tool for several big brands also.

Összesen 260 millió dollárt (körülbelül 2,074 milliárdot) zsákmányoltak a csúcskategóriás luxusmárkák, köztük a Nike, a Gucci, a Dolce & Gabbana NFT-darabjaik eladásával.
