Apple Acquires AR Headset Startup Mira: Report

Apple has acquired Mira, a Los Angeles-based AR startup that makes headsets for other companies and the US military, the Verge reported on Tuesday, citing a post from Mira CEO's private Instagram account and a person familiar with the matter.

Бул Apple компаниясы Meta Platforms үстөмдүк кылган рынокко чыгып, он жылдан ашык убакыт мурун iPhone киргизилгенден берки эң коркунучтуу коюмдарынын бири болгон Vision Pro деп аталган кымбат баалуу кошумчаланган реалдуулук гарнитурасын чыгаргандан бир күн өткөндөн кийин болду.

Apple's headset will test a market crowded with devices that have yet to gain traction with consumers and put it in direct competition with Facebook-owner Meta after years of clashes between the companies over issues like user privacy and control of developer platforms.

Mira's military contracts include a small agreement with the US Air Force and a $702,351 agreement with the Navy, according to government records and press releases, the Verge report said.

The Verge кошумчалагандай, Apple маал-маалы менен чакан технологиялык компанияларды сатып алып, анын максатын же пландарын талкуулабай турганын айтып, сатып алууну ырастады.

Apple has brought on at least 11 of Mira's employees as part of the acquisition, according to the report.

Apple, Mira and its CEO Ben Taft did not immediately respond to Reuters' requests for comment.

Last month, Apple said it has entered a multi-billion-dollar deal with chipmaker Broadcom to use chips made in the United States.

Under the multi-year deal, Broadcom will develop 5G radio frequency components with Apple that will be designed and built in several US facilities, including Fort Collins, Colorado, where Broadcom has a major factory, Apple said.

© Thomson Reuters 2023

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