Apple Vision Pro news, price, specs, and everything we know about the VR headset

After years of rumors, leaks, and speculation, Apple has finally unveiled the Vision Pro, its first AR and VR headset.

Vision Pro Негизги Деталдары

- Аралаш чындык гарнитурасы
-Кош M2 жана R1 чиптерин орнотуу
Көзгө -4K чечим
-No controllers, uses hand tracking and voice inputs
- Тышкы батарея топтому
- Батареянын иштөө мөөнөтү эки саат
-3,499 доллардан башталат (болжол менен 2,800 фунт стерлинг / 5,300 AU доллары)
-visionOS менен иштейт

The announcement came as the ‘One more thing' of Apple's WWDC 2023 event, at which it also unveiled a new 15-inch MacBook Air, new features coming with iOS 17, and a new M2 Ultra processor, among other reveals.
