Google'дун 2022-жылдагы эң мыкты колдонмосу - бул AI арт генератору, бул туура угулат

Google тез арада Apple компаниясына кошулуп, алдыңкы орундарды тааныйт apps of the year. The company has жарыялады the Google Play Best of 2022 awards, and this year's biggest winners clearly reflect the cultural zeitgeist. The best Android app of the year is Wombo's түш, an AI art generator — yes, one of the trendiest technologies of the year took top honors. The user's choice winner, meanwhile, is the social media phenomenon BeReal.

Respawn swept the top game awards. Apex Legends mobile won both Google's nod as well as the user's choice pick. Todoist is Google's favorite app for Wear OS smartwatches, while Pocket's reading tool is the top tablet-friendly app. The best software for good was Стигма колдонмосу, a community platform dor discussing mental health.

Notably, Google significantly expanded the categories this year — if partly to promote its own platforms. There's now awards for Chromebook-friendly apps, including best app (the music maker BandLab) and best game (the metaverse-like Roblox). Түнкү кыялдар аз is Google's favorite Play Pass game. The game list has expanded, too. The Android port of Газеталар, Сураныч, won the best story award, while the gacha game Genshin таасири took the distinction of the best ongoing game.

As with Apple, Google's year-end list is as much about driving downloads as anything else. The internet giant's Best of 2022 section on the Play Store is effectively a one-stop shop for Android and Chromebook newcomers looking to expand their app libraries. However, it does give a feel for the cultural pulse of a mobile world where AI, the metaverse and online gaming dominate.

Engadget тарабынан сунушталган бардык өнүмдөр биздин башкы компаниябыздан көз карандысыз редакциябыз тарабынан тандалат. Биздин кээ бир окуялар өнөктөштүк шилтемелерди камтыйт. Эгер сиз бул шилтемелердин бири аркылуу бир нерсе сатып алсаңыз, биз өнөктөштүк комиссияга ээ болушубуз мүмкүн. Бардык баалар жарыялоо учурунда туура.
