OpenSea classifica NFTs com base em sua raridade com o objetivo de ajudar os colecionadores

OpenSea NFT marketplace has enabled a new feature on its site, that will rank NFTs on the basis of their rarity. Named OpenRarity, this feature will enable collectors to find legitimitely rare digital collectibles, that have been drowining in the sea of NFTs out there. OpenRarity will provide verifiable rarity calculations for NFTs using a mathamatical approach for calculations. Rare NFTs will be awarded lower numbers. OpenSea claims to be the world's biggest NFT marketplace that touched the market cap of over $13 billion earier this year.

OpenSea announced the implementation of this protocol to its 1.8 million followers on Twitter.

“Today we are launching @OpenRarity on OpenSea! We're starting with the wonderful @coolcatsnft @pudgypenguins and @moonbirds teams, who have opted their collections into OpenRarity,”the platform wrote in its tweet.

NFT creators will have the control to choose to apply the OpenRarity feature to their pieces.

“OpenRarity is an open collaboration between OpenSea,, Curio, and PROOF. On OpenSea, creators have the choice of whether to opt-in to show OpenRarity rarity rankings for their collection,” the platform escreveu

O mercado de NFT será um gigante de US$ 231 bilhões (aproximadamente Rs. 18,41,300 crore) até 2030 e é um negócio grande demais para ser ignorado, acredita Tarusha Mittal, COO e cofundadora da UniFarm, em conversa com a Gadgets 360. UniFarm é um programa de staking de recompensas com vários tokens.

Owning NFTs has off-late, become a trend. NFTs have been proving to be a lucrative business tool for several big brands also.

Um total de US$ 260 milhões (aproximadamente Rs. 2,074 crore) foi arrecadado coletivamente por marcas de luxo de alto nível, incluindo Nike, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, com as vendas de suas peças NFT.
