Netflix’s adaptation of ‘The Three-Body Problem’ will arrive in 2023

At its Tudum event today, Netflix shared an update on its highly-anticipated adaptation of Liu Cixin’s Problém troch tiel. First announced in 2020, the upcoming live-action series from Hra o tróny showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will arrive sometime next year. Netflix shared a behind-the-scenes teaser showing off a few character moments.

Some of the actors set to star in the project include Benedict Wong (Marsu, Doktor Strange), Eiza Gonzalez (Detská Driver), as well as John Bradley and Liam Cunningham of Hra o tróny fame. Considered a modern sci-fi masterpiece, Problém troch tiel was first published in China in 2008. It took another six years before the novel arrived in the west, and it subsequently became the first Asian novel to win a Hugo Award. Cixin and Ken Liu, who translated two of the novels in the Spomienka na minulosť Zeme trilogy into English, are consulting on the live-action adaptation.

Netflix signed Benioff and Weiss to a lucrative $200 million deal in 2019. The 3-Body Problem is the first project the duo is writing for the company – though they also produced a series with Sandra Oh. Netflix is likely to share more information about the 3-Body Problem v najbližších mesiacoch. 

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