Nintendo vows to fix Pokémon Scarlet and Violet after a rough launch

Покемон Сцарлет Љубичица launched with plenty of glitches, to put it mildly, but the developers are at least trying to make amends. Alongside ажурирање, Nintendo said it was aware of performance problems and was taking player feedback “seriously” as it planned fixes. The patch both introduces Season 1 of Ranked Battles and addresses numerous bugs, including inconsistent music playback during key events.

The creature-collecting game routinely suffers from poor frame rates, particularly in busy areas like cities. It's also common to encounter crashes, visual flaws and showstopping bugs like getting stuck in the terrain. Autosaves lessen the sting, but this still isn't the polished experience you expect from first-party Switch titles. The sometimes mediocre graphics don't help, either.

Not that Nintendo is likely worried about the flaws affecting sales. As ИГН белешке, Nintendo recently хвалила се Који Покемон Сцарлет Љубичица sold a combined 10 million copies worldwide in their first three days. The feat made them the fastest-selling Nintendo game on any of the company's platforms. Japan's Pokémon fandom played a major role, as domestic sales topped 4 million in those early days.

Those numbers also suggest Nintendo is still faring well against its biggest console rivals. Sony's fastest-selling PlayStation game, Бог рата: Рагнарок, ‘only' managed to move 5.1 million copies during its first week. That's not completely shocking given the brutal brawler's narrower audience, and Sony is unlikely to complain much when third-party releases like the Call of Duty series routinely sell well. However, it's telling that the Switch can still rally massive demand five years later.

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