Amazon is offering a $50 gift card when you buy a year of Microsoft 365 Family

Tất cả các sản phẩm do Engadget đề xuất đều được lựa chọn bởi nhóm biên tập của chúng tôi, độc lập với công ty mẹ của chúng tôi. Một số câu chuyện của chúng tôi bao gồm các liên kết liên kết. Nếu bạn mua thứ gì đó thông qua một trong những liên kết này, chúng tôi có thể kiếm được hoa hồng liên kết. Tất cả giá đều chính xác tại thời điểm xuất bản.

If you've been thinking about adding Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint to your home office, this may be a good day to sign up. Today only, Amazon is offering a 12-month subscription to Microsoft 365 Family bundled with a $50 Amazon gift card for $100. The price of the yearly subscription is usually $100, so you're essentially getting a free gift card for signing up. The deal is only good through the end of the day and the subscription will auto-renew at the end of the year, so set a reminder if you want to cancel before that kicks in.   

Microsoft 365 Family 12-month Subscription + $50 Amazon Gift Card


The year-long subscription will come as a digital download and runs on PCs or Macs as well as smartphones and tablets running Apple's iOS or Android OS. It covers up to six people and can run on five devices at the same time, with offline access included. Microsoft 365 is the new branding for the well-known Office software and the Family subscription includes access to Word, Excel, Outlook email and PowerPoint. It also comes with the Microsoft Teams video calling app, which updated last year to include a Live Share feature enabling easier real-time collaboration. You also get Clipchamp video editor, which Microsoft acquired in 2021. Included security add-ons like Microsoft Defender and ransomeware protection will help protect your data and devices. 

Each person gets 1TB of OneDrive personal cloud storage, which not only lets you store a large amount of files in the cloud, it lets you share photos and files with other OneDrive users, across pretty much any device. 

The Microsoft 365 family subscription is activated as a digital download, but the $50 gift card will arrive as a physical card in the mail. And as we said, the deal ends today, so take advantage if you want to add Microsoft's productivity apps vào thiết lập của bạn. 

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