Don’t miss your chance to play this sci-fi co-op shooter on Xbox Game Pass

For any sci-fi horror fan, it’s hard to imagine a world without 1979’s Alien – or its myriad sequels and spin-offs. 

Luckily, we don’t have to ponder such a meaningless existence; there’s still time to get stuck into its action shooter successor before it leaves Game Xbox Pass cho tốt.

Người ngoài hành tinh: Fireteam Elite is one of the 11 games set to pack up and head out of the Game Pass roster on December 15. Sure, we’ll be consoled by 11 new titles to sink our Facehuggers into, but now’s as good a time as ever to head to the USS Endeavor for one last alien-blasting hurrah with your friends. Think Warzone, but with Xenomorphs and a storyline.

Aliens: Fireteam Elite marines face off against the xenomorph swarm

(Image credit: Cold Iron Studios)

In with the crew 
