12 Father’s Day gifts your dad will actually want

  • Price: $34
  • Features: Water resistant | Works on iPhone and Android | Long-range tracking

TV remotes, keys, wallets, earbuds, reading glasses, luggage, phones, and even his own kids (true story). You name it — my dad has misplaced it. And I have spent many hours of my life helping him look for things that were either in his hand, in his pocket, in his truck, or in between the couch cushions. 

For a quick, modern day solution, I bought my dad a Tile Pro to stick on the things he misplaces the most. Tile Pro can make your phone ring when you can't find it — even if it's on silent mode, which is the feature my dad finds the most useful.

Tile Pro is water-resistant and can track items up to 400 feet, making it the perfect tracking device for even the most forgetful people. You can register your Tile Pro trackers in the Tile app to keep track of where they were last and the tracker's battery life.

And for $10 more, you can buy a 2-pack of Tile Pro trackers, so Dad can turn his top two misplaced items into trackable treasure. 
