Bad iPhone battery after installing iOS 16? Don’t panic! Do this instead

I've been updating iPhones for well over a decade, and if there's one thing that I can guarantee that will happen when a new version of iOS is released, it's that a lot of people will complain about battery life.

And remember, there are now over a billion iPhones in use. Even if only a small percentage of people notice deteriorated battery life, that's going to amount to a lot of complaining.

And just to be clear, these people are not imagining that battery life has taken a nosedive.

It really is worse.

But for most of those users, it's a problem that will have sorted itself out in a week or so (or until Apple releases a patch or there's an update to a buggy app).

Just sit back, keep using your iPhone, and keep a charger or power bank nearby for regular top-ups.

And for a small group of really unlucky users, their iPhone's battery will have waited until the new iOS update to decide to give up the ghost finally.

For those people, the only solution is a new battery (or a new iPhone).
