Capcom could be remaking yet another Resident Evil game

Capcom has recently reached out to a few ambassadors via a survey in hopes of gaging which Resident Evil title it should remake next. 

The survey mostly included questions about its social media, website, and merchandise asking whether fans enjoyed the content available and if they would like to receive more. For the most part, it was your average marketing questionnaire. However, the penultimate question raised some eyebrows. 

At the end of the survey, fans were asked which next title in the long-standing survival horror series they’d like to see remade next. While content in Resident Evil seems to be endless with the countless DLC’s, remakes, and spin-offs; there are likely only a few titles that would be viable contenders for the next coveted remake. 

(Image credit: Capcom)

The franchise has recently achieved major success with the Resident Evil 4 remake receiving stellar reviews across the board. This remake now joins the likes of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 in games that Capcom has breathed new life into. While all three titles were warmly received, there are some that have the potential to fall flat. 
