Trade in your old devices for Amazon gift cards. Here’s how

Man searching inside of Amazon Prime box

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Lately, it feels like every technology manufacturer has a product or two hitting the market on a monthly basis. Then, there are companies like Amazon that are expected to release tens of products in a day. All that is to say we, the consumers, have more gadgets and devices to shop from than ever before — even if the economy suggests we should take a backseat on spending.

It also means that our older tech is getting less flashy by the day, and will eventually make its way into that one drawer full of other retired gadgets — collecting dust, left forgotten. That is unless you turn in the device(s) through a trade-in program. 

Plus: Tout ce qu'Amazon vient d'annoncer et comment tout acheter

Comment utiliser le programme d'échange d'Amazon

Amazon's Programme de reprise is a fast and simple service that converts unwanted tech into Amazon gift cards and/or discounts. It's also a satisfying way to recycle old electronics at no cost. Here's a step-by-step walkthrough of the service. You'll be surprised how many products — from Amazon and not — qualify for a decent trade-in offer.

Vous voudrez commencer à partir de Portail d'échange d'Amazon. Vous pouvez soit choisir parmi une gamme de catégories de produits appartenant à Amazon, comme les Kindles, les tablettes, les lecteurs multimédias en streaming et les haut-parleurs Echo, soit effectuer une recherche dans la section "Autres catégories d'échange", qui comprend les téléphones portables et les jeux.

Opening a category tab presents you with a manual search bar and a list of products currently registered to your Amazon account. Select the item(s) that you'd like to trade in. 

La valeur de reprise potentielle (et la remise) sera indiquée à côté de chaque nom et modèle de produit. 

Programme d'échange d'Amazon Recherche Kindle

Capture d'écran par June Wan/ZDNET

Once you've selected your item(s) to trade in, a qualifying questionnaire will appear for you to complete. 

The questions revolve around the condition and status of your trade-in item(s), including whether or not it's cracked or damaged, can hold a charge, and more depending on the type of electronic. Your answers will be evaluated during the inspection process, so you'll want to be as honest and accurate as possible. 

If there is an inaccuracy detected, you can choose between taking a lower estimated trade-in value for the electronic or having Amazon return it back to your shipping address. The latter is typically not offered with trade-in programs, so it's good to see. 

Questionnaire sur le programme d'échange d'Amazon

Capture d'écran par June Wan/ZDNET

Une fois que vous aurez rempli le questionnaire, vous recevrez une étiquette d'expédition UPS pour emballer et livrer vos articles. L'étiquette prépayée est gratuite - pour vous, au moins - et vous aurez 45 jours pour expédier le colis à Amazon. Assurez-vous d'utiliser l'étiquette fournie et non la vôtre, car les informations de suivi sont destinées à votre échange spécifique.  

Conseil : If you're shipping out a smartphone, tablet, or device that contains personal information, ensure that it's factory reset and wiped out clean before handing it off. Also, record and take pictures of the electronics' condition. This helps in the event of shipping damage and/or Amazon claims that what you described was inaccurate.

Aussi: Échanger votre ancien téléphone ? Voici comment le réinitialiser en usine

Once the package is shipped and received, Amazon says it will take 10 days, at most, to evaluate the item(s) and process the trade-in offer — whether that's in the form of an Amazon gift card and/or a discount on select products. If there are any issues, you can visit the Page d'échange pour plus d'informations ou contactez un représentant en ligne pour obtenir de l'aide. 

More: Here are all the new Echo devices Amazon just announced


Combien de temps faudra-t-il pour recevoir mon crédit d'échange ? 

According to Amazon's Trade-In Program website, you should receive your trade-in credit within 10 days after your item(s) arrive at the sorting facility. 

Dans quel état mes articles doivent-ils être ? 

Le programme d'échange d'Amazon accepte les articles allant de non fonctionnels à en bon état. Selon le degré d'endommagement ou d'état de l'électronique, vous recevrez moins ou plus de crédit en retour. 

Combien de temps dois-je expédier mon appareil ?  

You have 45 days after the prepaid shipping label is provided to ship your device(s). The best action is to drop off the shipment at a local UPS store and ask for a drop-off receipt to confirm its delivery.
