Twitter tue les tweets co-écrits après moins d'un an

has quietly killed off a feature that allowed users to publish co-authored tweets. The company on “select” accounts last July in the US, Canada and Korea, but the feature never made it beyond the experimental stage. As of today, you'll no longer be able to post CoTweets.

“We’re sad to say that the current experiment is coming to an end,” Twitter wrote on an . “Already existing CoTweets will be viewable for one more month at which point they will revert to retweets.” 

If you invited someone to CoTweet with you, that tweet will remain on your account, according to . For those who were invited to co-author a tweet, CoTweets will soon appear as retweets from the other person's account. All clear on that? Swell.

This may not completely be the end of CoTweets. “We’re still looking for ways to implement this feature moving forward,” Twitter said. So, it could return at some point.

It's unlikely to be high on Twitter's list of priorities, however, particularly given that some since Elon Musk took over . A recent report suggested Twitter now has fewer than 550 full-time engineers, who may have their hands full with .

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