How to identify any plant with a $20 app



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While plants can turn a yard into a sanctuary, they are also great to keep in your home. Not only can they be a stunning décor element, but they help keep the air healthy with hardly any effort. But indoors or out, they do take a bit of tending. However, if you have a smartphone, you can put a plant expert in your pocket with a lifetime subscription to NatureID.

NatureID can act as your personal assistant while caring for your plants. It can identify more than 14,000 species of plants with over 95% accuracy in a mere three seconds and provides all the information you need to take care of them. Whether you have a green thumb or are a complete novice, you will never again have to worry about your plants getting sick.

Additionally, the app can recognize diseases, tell you how severe they are, and show the quickest way to help them recover. It even has a plant journal built-in. So you can set reminders for feeding, misting, and watering, even for plants that have rotating schedules. 

NatureID also publishes articles and videos that expert botanists collaborated on, which give you recommendations about soil, fertilizer, temperatures, water, and more. NatureID even has a light meter to measure sunlight levels so you can choose the best placement for all of your plants.

The app is also easy to use! Simply fire it up and tap your Camera icon. Then you can either take a photo of your plant or choose one from your Photos library. Once the app recognizes the plant, you'll find additional information by tapping on “Learn more.”

It should be no surprise that NatureID is rated 4.6 out of 5 stars on the App Store with eight million downloads. It also earned 4 out of 5 on Google Play with over 23 thousand reviews and was one of Well+Good's 5 Apps That Identify Your Plants and Help You Save Them From the Brink of Death.

Keep your plants thriving with no worry. Get a lifetime subscription to the NatureID Plant Identification Premium Plan while it's on sale for a best-on-web price of just $19.99, down from $59.
