
Engadget が推奨するすべての製品は、親会社から独立した編集チームによって選択されています。 一部のストーリーにはアフィリエイト リンクが含まれています。 これらのリンクのいずれかから何かを購入すると、アフィリエイト コミッションが発生する場合があります。 すべての価格は公開時のものです。

It’s dangerously easy to go over budget during the holidays when, especially when your gift list seemingly gets longer with each passing year. It’s even easier to do so when you have a bunch of gearheads in your life. We don’t have to tell you that gadgets are expensive (hello, $1,000-plus smartphones), but not every piece of tech will put a huge dent in your bank account. To make things easier for our budget-minded readers, we’ve collected everything in our gift guide that you can buy for $100 or less here.

You’ll find the full list below, but you can also check out a number of stories in our gift guide this year that include almost all budget-friendly things. Our board games, tech toys for kids and gifts for travel lovers roundups are just a few that are filled with inexpensive yet super fun ideas, plus our annual tech stocking stuffers guide focuses on gifts you can grab for under $50. What we’re trying to say is, you don’t have to go broke to get solid tech for your friends and family; you just have to know which affordable items are actually worth your money.

オーディオテクニカ M20xBT

Audio-Technica の手頃な価格のワイヤレス ヘッドフォンは、ノイズ キャンセリング機能がなくても、素晴らしい贈り物になるような堅実なパフォーマンスを一貫して提供してきました。 同社の最新のものは、 M20xBT、A-T の人気の M20x 有線缶の Bluetooth バージョンです。 快適な装着感と最長 60 時間のバッテリー持続時間はわずか 79 ドルです。 Bluetooth マルチポイント接続で一度に複数のデバイスに接続し、物理的なボタンで曲を確実に制御します。 デザインは、M50xBT2 のような同社の高価なモデルほど洗練されていませんが、Audio-Technica の安価なオプションが非常に優れている理由の大部分が得られます. —ビリー・スティール、シニアニュースエディター

アマゾンでM20xBTを購入 - 79ドル


JLab のおかげで、靴下の詰め物としてまともな真のワイヤレス イヤフォンのセットを提供できます。 20ドルで、 エアポップに行く ほとんどの基本をカバーしています。 4 時間のバッテリー寿命、オンボード コントロール、EQ プリセット、IPXXNUMX 防湿、一度に XNUMX つのイヤホンだけを使用する機能がすべて機能リストに含まれています。 Go Air Pop は、前身の Go Air よりも小さく、このモデルには完全に閉じるケースが付属しています。 さらに、同社は充電ケースに統合された USB を保持しているため、電源が切れたときにケーブルを探す心配がありません。 — BS

Amazon で JLab Go Air Pop を購入 – 25 ドル


今年Bluetoothスピーカーを購入する場合は、 UEワンダーブーム3 手頃な価格の小さなオプションでありながら、パンチが効いています。 IP67 定格のおかげで冒険に耐え、音質は明るく、屋外モードでは高音域と低音域がブーストされるため、遠くからでも音が聞こえます。 ステレオ サウンド用に 3 台の Wonderboom 14 ユニットを簡単にペアリングすることもできます。 また、最大 XNUMX 時間のバッテリー寿命により、音楽をしばらく続けることができるはずです。 — BS

アマゾンでワンダーブーム3を購入– $ 100

Roku Ultra

If you're not a fan of the Apple TV, the Roku Ultra is the only other set-top box worth considering. It's fast enough to stream 4K video with Dolby Vision, and it supports just about every streaming app you'd want. It also has a solid remote with voice-search capabilities, and you can still access all of Apple's streaming video via the Apple TV app. And while Roku's interface isn't pretty, it's fast and gets the job done. — Devindra Hardawar、上級編集者

AmazonでRokuUltraを購入– $ 90

Joby Gorillapod 3K フレキシブル ミニ三脚

サンタリストに載っている vlogger 向けの最も便利なアクセサリの XNUMX つは、Joby の有名なミニ三脚です。 ゴリラポッド 3K. レベルが組み込まれた安全なクリップイン取り付けプレートのおかげで、カメラの取り付けがこれまでになく簡単になりました。 また、柔軟な脚により、カメラをどこにでも設置して撮影したり、木やその他の物体に巻き付けたりすることもできます。 もちろん、ビデオブログの理想的な角度に曲げて、撮影を安定させることもできます。 何よりも、Amazon でわずか 45 ドルで購入できるようになりました。 — Steve Dent, Associate Editor

AmazonでJoby GorillaPod 3Kを購入 - $ 46

Nanlite LitoLite 5C RGBWW ミニ LED パネル

優れたライトは、お気に入りの写真家やビデオグラファーにとって素晴らしいツールであり、比較的手頃な価格のギフトです。 最高のオールラウンド モデルの XNUMX つは、 Nanlite LitoLite 5C RGBWW ミニ LED パネル. 重さはわずか 4.8 オンスですが、照明器具またはスマートフォン アプリを介して調整することで、さまざまな色の調光照明を提供します。 マグネットまたは 1.5/XNUMX インチのネジで壁やライト スタンドに取り付けられ、コードレスで動作し、フル パワーで XNUMX 時間動作するバッテリー (USB 経由で充電) を備えています。 最も興味深い機能は、パトカーの点滅ライト、炎、ろうそくの明かり、雷雨などの特殊効果です。 — S.D.

アマゾンで Nanlite LitoLite 5C を購入 – $75

Lexar Professional 1667x 64GB SDXS UHS II カード

より高速な UHS-II モデルがほぼ同じ価格で見つかるようになった今、お気に入りのフォトグラファー UHS-I カードを購入しても意味がありません。 それは Lexar の 64GB または 128GB の場合です。 1667x V60 UHS-II カード、それぞれわずか 33 ドルと 50 ドルで入手できます。 最上位の 2000x カードほど高速ではありませんが、わずかな価格で、UHS-I カードよりも高速な読み取りおよび書き込み速度 (250 MB/秒および 120 MB/秒) を得ることができます。 速度が重要な場合は、読み取り速度が 90MB/秒、書き込み速度が 300MB/秒の SanDisk のトップエンド V260 カードが、それぞれ 80 ドルと 150 ドルで見つかります。 — S.D.

AmazonでLexar Professional 1667xを33ドルから購入


AeroPress は、キャビネットのスペースをあまりとらない装​​置で、自宅で XNUMX 杯のコーヒーを楽しく淹れる方法です。 さまざまな注入時間と強さを試すことができる、用途の広いブルワーです。 コールドブリューを作るのを忘れたときはいつでも、XNUMX倍の強度のカップを氷の上で直接淹れるのに使用するのが好きです. すでに通常のセットアップを行っているリストにあるコーヒーオタクにとって、AeroPress は素晴らしい贈り物になります。 そしてその エアロプレスゴー はさらにコンパクトです。 直接淹れることができるカップの中にきれいに収まり、キャンプや旅行に最適です。 — BS

AmazonでAeroPress Goを購入 - $ 40

クイジナート DBM-8

リストに載っているコーヒーオタクのための信頼できるグラインダーを手に入れるために、アンコールに散財する必要はありません. アップグレードする前に、 クイジナート DBM-8 それは何年もの間私に役立っていました、そして私がそれを放牧したとき、それはまだそうでした. バー グラインダーなので、粗いものから細かいものまで、18 の異なるオプションから選択できる一貫したグラインド サイズを提供します。 ホッパーには 32 オンスの豆が入り、キャニスターには 18 カップ分の挽いたコーヒーを入れることができます。 おそらくそれほど頻繁には必要ないので(もしあったとしても)、ボタンを押すだけでXNUMX〜XNUMX杯分を自動的に挽くセレクターがあります. — BS

アマゾンでCuisinart DBM-8を購入 - 58ドル

Cosori グースネック電気ケトル

家庭での醸造ゲームを向上させたい場合は、優れたやかんが不可欠であり、お茶、ラーメンなど、他の多くのものを作るのにも役立ちます. コソリのグースネック電気ケトル 最も重要な機能を比較的コンパクトなケトルに詰め込み、価格も70ドルです. グースネックは威圧的かもしれませんが、ケメックスに注ぐときははるかにコントロールできます.マットブラック仕上げのCosoriのものも、ほとんどのカウンタートップでかなり素敵に見えると思います. ステンレススチールの内部とXNUMXつのプリセットを備えているため、緑茶、ブラックコーヒーなどに最適な温度を簡単に得ることができます. さらに、「ホールド温度」オプションを使用すると、水を設定して少し忘れることができます。 朝のルーティンを始める前に電源を入れて、完全に加熱された水に戻って、その朝あなたを迎えに行く準備を整えることができます. — Valentina Palladino 氏、シニア コマース エディター

アマゾンでCosori電気ケトルを購入– $ 70


コーヒーや紅茶用の旅行用マグカップに関しては、検討する価値のあるアイテムはいくつかのボックスをチェックする必要があります - 特にギフトとして贈る場合は. 液体を数時間保温し、カップホルダーに収まるようにすることが不可欠です。 BruMateのNAV mini 両方を行い、12 オンスで、外出先でのジョーに最適なサイズです。 さらに、同社の頑丈な蓋のおかげで、100% 漏れません。 また、来年の夏にリストの誰かが冷たい飲み物を必要としているときに、冷たい飲み物を 24 時間以上冷やしておくこともできます。 — BS

BruMate で NAV mini を購入 – $25

Stanley Classic Neverleak トラベルマグ

典型的な旅行用マグカップよりもずっと長くコーヒーを熱く保つ必要がある人を知っているなら、 スタンレーのクラシック ネバーリーク オプションは最高の贈り物です。 私はこれらのXNUMXつをXNUMX年以上使用していますが、液体を長時間温度に保つという素晴らしい仕事をしています. 同社によると、飲み物は最大XNUMX時間温かく、さらに全体が食器洗い機で簡単に洗えます. XNUMX 段階の蓋は閉じた状態でもロックされ、マグカップが押しつぶされても偶発的なこぼれを防ぎます。 — BS

AmazonでStanly Neverleakマグカップを購入 - $ 28


コールドブリューを作る方法は無数にありますが、断熱トラベルボトルにステンレススチールフィルターを追加するよりもはるかに簡単ではありません. ミーアの水出しフィルターが効く いくつかのドリンクウェアキャニスターを使用して、浸した後の沈殿物を減らすための「マイクロミシン目」を備えたコールドブリュー設定を提供します。 このフィルターは、Miir の 32 オンスおよび 42 オンスの広口ボトル (および 33 オンスのトモ) にフィットし、冒険や仕事に持っていくための滑らかで冷たいコーヒーをたっぷりと飲むことができます。 さらに、これらのボトルには漏れ防止の蓋が付いており、飲み物を何時間も温かくまたは冷たく保つことができます。 — BS

Miir で水出しフィルターを購入 – $15

仲間の Prismo AeroPress アタッチメント

AeroPress は用途の広い抽出装置であるため、コーヒー ギフト ガイド リストに掲載しておきます。 しかし、 仲間の $30 付属品、謙虚な方法を一段と上げることができます。 Prismoには、エスプレッソを作るプロセスを模倣するように設計された圧力作動式のバルブが内蔵されているため、マシンなしで「ショットを引く」ことができます. これにより、エアロプレスだけで濃いめのコーヒーを淹れただけでは通常得られない「クレマ」が生まれます。 Prismo には再利用可能なフィルターも付属しているため、AeroPress に通常必要な紙のフィルターを使い果たすことはありません。 — BS

Fellow で AeoPress アタッチメントを購入 – $30

Hiware Borosilicate glass pitcher

After the handle on my previous pitcher developed a crack, I went on a search for a simple but durable container that could support my iced tea addiction and after a year and a half, this thing has not disappointed. Its heat-resistant borosilicate glass means you can pour boiling water directly into the pitcher without worrying about it shattering and its huge 68-ounce capacity holds enough to keep an entire family hydrated. Meanwhile, the stainless steel lid prevents leaves or stuff like fruit pulp from escaping. And at $20, this pitcher is just great value. — Sam Rutherford、上級レポーター

Buy Hiware glass pitcher at Amazon – $27

ハリオ 水出しボトル

If you know someone who always brings their “famous” iced tea to parties or picnics check out Hario’s Cold Brew bottle. It holds up to 750ml of liquid and comes with a removable strainer to keep tea leaves from spilling out. There’s even a grippy silicone top for easy handling and a removable stopper that acts like a cork. And if you’re worried it’s a little pedestrian looking to make a lasting impact, Hario makes a champagne bottle version too. — SR

Buy Hario Cold Brew Bottle at Amazon – $24

Breville IQ Electric Kettle

For those on your list that prefer function over form, you really ought to consider Breville’s IQ Electric Kettle. In addition to having nearly double the capacity (57 ounces vs 30 ounces) of the Stagg, it has dedicated temperature settings for a lot of major types of tea (green, white, oolong and black). It’s also a bit more powerful with an output of up to 1,500 watts, so there’s less waiting around for the water to heat up. — SR

Buy Breville IQ electric kettle at Amazon – $80

OXO Tea Infuser Basket

One of the easiest ways to brew better tea is by moving away from single-serving bags and switching to loose-leaf teas. That’s because typically tea bags feature lower quality leaves that often sit on shelves for months (or years) with the whole process favoring convenience over flavor. On top of that, the cloth or (more often) paper used to make tea bags can also impart unwanted flavors.

If you know someone looking to get into loose-leaf teas, they’re going to need an infuser, and OXO’s is one of the best. Its stainless steel basket won’t mess with the taste and its included lid traps heat in when steeping while also doubling as a saucer to prevent dripping once the tea is ready to drink. The basket is also a perfect size so it fits in practically any mug (and even many iced tea pitchers), and at just $15, it’s cheap enough to buy two or more so there will always be a clean one ready to go. — SR

Buy OXO tea infuser basket at Amazon – $15


一方、 Fellow’s Atmos Canister was originally intended to store coffee, it’s equally great at keeping tea tasting fresh and flavorful, even after long periods. That’s because simply twisting its lid removes oxygen from the canister, slowing down potential oxidation which can cause tea to taste dull and lifeless. It’s available in three sizes (0.4, 0.7 and 1.2 liters) and in a range of materials, though you’ll probably want to stay away from the glass version, as light is another source of potential oxidation. (Leave the clear one for cookies or something.) And while it’s a bit on the pricey side, in my opinion there’s no better way of keeping even the fanciest leaves tasting great over time. — SR

Buy Fellow Atmos canister at Amazon – $35

Golde Superwhisk

For matcha lovers who don’t want to deal with the hassle of a traditional bamboo whisk or anyone seeking a way to quickly froth up some milk, Golde’s Superwhisk is a great pick. It has two different speed settings and a battery that can be recharged via USB. It even comes with an included travel case, so your giftee can take it camping or anywhere they want to enjoy some tea (or a latte). — SR

Buy Superwhisk at Golde – $24

Pure’Tea Portable Tea Infuser

For people who want to bring their brew on the go, this charming portable tea infuser bottle looks great and makes the whole process super easy. Tea goes in the top section and water goes in the bottom. Right before drinking they flip the whole infuser upside down to brew instead of letting the leaves become oversteeped after sitting in water all day. The portable infuser also features borosilicate glass with a double-walled construction, so it can handle high temperatures without burning hands. Admittedly, there are similar bottles for less, but between its innovative design and premium materials, I can’t think of a better way to drink tea on-the-go. — SR

Buy portable tea infuser at Perlure – $65

Breakaway Matcha Flight Kit

Getting into matcha can be intimidating for even long-time tea drinkers. Not only can matcha be expensive but, since it’s very finely ground green tea instead leaves steeped in water, it has a very different flavor profile and texture. So instead of buying someone a single type of matcha, give this matcha flight kit a try. It includes four different blends which range from bright grassy varieties to deeper savory mixes. There’s also a handcrafted bamboo scoop, a sieve, tea towel and most importantly, a motorized whisk for properly whipping up the perfect cup. — SR

Buy Flight Kit at Breakaway Matcha – $56

Adagio Tea Samplers

For complete newbies to tea, Adagio’s loose teas sampler sets offer a huge range of types and flavors to choose from. You can select specific types like green teas from China for the Sinophile on your list, or opt for more general mixes like seasonal blends or even herbal selections. Prices also start as low as $12 a box for four different types, which makes this one of the most flexible and affordable ways of gifting a wide range of teas without doing a ton of research. — SR

Shop Adagio tea samplers


The first time I had butterfly pea flower tea was on my honeymoon in Thailand and it was love at first sip. It has a sweet flora aroma with some subtle earthy notes. But its signature highlight is its color. When brewed alone, you get a deep blue hue with hints of green, but when you add acid suddenly the tea becomes bright purple or pink. And because butterfly pea flower doesn’t contain caffeine, between its color and taste, it’s a great way to introduce kids to tea. Steep it, chill it, add the juice from a couple lemons or limes and a splash of sugar (I preferred agave), and in no time you’ll have the perfect summertime iced tea. — SR

Buy butterfly pea tea at Amazon – $22

アストロ A10 Gen 2

アストロのA10 Gen 2 あなたの個人的なスタイルが何であれ、そうしている間、仕事を成し遂げ、かわいく見えます。 Gen 2 には、ネオンのディテールが施されたディープ ブラックからパステル パープルまたはティールまで、さまざまな色とパターンがあり、あらゆる種類のライブ ストリーミングの雰囲気に対応します。 フリップしてミュートできるブーム マイク、信じられないほど柔軟なボディ、交換可能なイヤー パッドとヘッドバンド クッションを備えています。 このヘッドセットは、PC、Mac、PlayStation 5、Xbox Series X/S、および Switch と互換性があるため、どのようにプレイしても使用できます。 —ジェシカ・コンディット、シニアレポーター

AmazonでAstro A10 Gen 2を購入 - 60ドル

8bitdo Pro 2 Bluetooth コントローラー

8bitdo は、ワイヤレス ゲームパッドを回避する方法を知っています。 Pro 2 Bluetooth コントローラー も例外ではありません。 透明ボディのスペシャル エディションでも、クラシックなブラック、ホワイト、グレーでも、Pro 2 は正確な入力、最大 2 つのカスタム プロファイルのサポート、および XNUMX つの追加の戻るボタンを提供します。 Pro XNUMX は昔ながらのコントローラーのように見えますが、高度で最新の機能を備えており、PC、Mac、Android、Switch で動作します。 — J.C.

Amazonで8BitDoPro 2を購入– $ 50

ロジクール リトラ グロー

ライブ ストリーミングのセットアップでできる最善のことは、適切な照明を用意することです。Logitech の リットルグロー あなたはカバーしましたか? これは、取り付け可能な小型の LED スクエアで、強い影や明確なエッジのない拡散した柔らかな光を提供し、被写体を最高に美しく見せるように設計されています。 拡張可能な XNUMX 方向モニター マウントが付属しており、USB 電源で動作します。 — J.C.

アマゾンでLitraGlowを購入– $ 60


Nanoleaf は、ライブ ストリーム照明に関しては最高のブランドかもしれませんが、画面上のグローの領域には他にも多くの安価なオプションがあります。 ワンシン、たとえば、予算を無駄にしない価格で、ストリーミングスペースをポップにするネオンサインのラインがあります. スカル、ハート、ゴースト、ゲーム コントローラー、かわいいテキストなど、さまざまなデザインから選択でき、それぞれ 40 ドル未満で購入できます。 — J.C.


Google Nest Hub(第2世代)

Google のネスト ハブ smart display is a great device to have around the home — especially if your gift recipient already uses the Google Assistant. It works as a digital photo frame and they can use it to watch YouTube and Netflix. It can also make calls via Google Duo and offers recipe videos along with step-by-step cooking instructions. If the user so chooses, they can track their sleeping patterns if they place the device next to their bed. Additionally, if they already have a Nest Doorbell camera, they can easily use the display to see who’s at the front door. — ニコール・リー、コマースライター

B&HでNest Hubを購入– $ 100

Blink Indoor camera

Blink’s indoor camera offers the gift of peace of mind in a compact and affordable package. Your loved one will appreciate the fact that Blink is wireless and battery-powered; since they don’t have to place it near an electrical outlet, it can sit almost anywhere. They also won’t have to worry about recharging the camera since it can last up to two years on its two included AA batteries. Aside from just letting them monitor their home, it also features customizable motion alerts so they’ll only get alerted when they want to. There’s also two-way audio so they can hear and speak to the person (or pet) on the other end. — オランダ語

AmazonでBlinkIndoorを購入– $ 80

TP-Link Kasa smart plug

With a smart plug, any appliance can be part of a connected home for not a lot of money. TP-Link’s Kasa smart plug is a particularly good one because it is both affordable and incredibly compact (and if you’re really short on space, there’s a ミニバージョン that’s even smaller). Together with its companion app, they can schedule a timer to turn on and off anything from Christmas lights to a coffee maker. It’s also compatible with both Alexa and Google Assistant, which lets them add voice control to any outlet. — オランダ語

Buy Kasa smart plugs at Amazon – $30

Eero 6 WiFi Mesh router

With most of us having so many gadgets and smart home devices, perhaps the best thing you can give your loved one is the gift of better WiFi to keep things running smoothly. Amazon’s Eero routers will deliver just that. The latest models support WiFi 6, the latest and fastest WiFi standard, and will support 75-plus devices simultaneously. It also covers up to 1,500 square feet with WiFi speeds up to 900 Mbps, so it’s unlikely they’ll ever have to deal with dead spots or buffering again. The Eero 6 also comes with a built-in Zigbee smart home hub that lets them connect compatible devices without having to purchase a separate device. — オランダ語

Eero 6 を Amazon で購入 – $89

Startorialist JWST Cosmic Cliffs High Top Sneakers

JWST has been fully operational since June 2022, and it’s already sent us stunning images of our universe. One is a star-forming region in the Carina Nebula called the Cosmic Cliffs (fun fact, the tallest peaks are 7 light years high!) and you can get this amazing image on a classy pair of high-top sneakers from Startorialist, a STEM fashion brand. Keep in mind these are a custom order, so they may take a few weeks to ship. — Swapna Krishna, Freelance Writer

Buy Cosmic Cliffs sneakers at Startorialist – $89

Banllis Decorative Astronaut and Moon Bookends

Want to spruce up someone’s book shelves? These adorable astronaut moon bookends will delight any space lover. They come in two colors, gold and gray – depending on whether you want them to pop or blend in. They aren’t the heaviest bookends, so you probably don’t want to hold up a huge stack of hardcovers with these, but they look good from both far away and close up – the detailing on the moons is an especially nice touch. — S.K.

Buy bookends at Amazon – $47

The Milky Way: An Autobiography of Our Galaxy

Moiya McTier tells the story of the 天の川 in a unique way: from the point of view of the galaxy. It’s a funny and smart look at our galaxy (and humans’ place within it), and presents scientific information in an approachable and often hilarious way. Whether you’ve read every space book out there and are looking for something new or don’t know where to start, this is a unique perspective for sure. — S.K.

Buy The Milky Way at Amazon – $14

Four Point Puzzles Moon Puzzle

この 1,000 piece puzzle features an exquisite NASA image of the Moon’s surface. The rich detail here, and the intricate lunar features, will provide a challenge to even experienced puzzle aficionados. — S.K.

Buy moon puzzle at Four Points – $28

Svaha USA JWST Deep Field Custom Hoodie

Svaha USA is another great brand that’s got some fantastic STEM merch. They’ve even got JWST’s Deep Field image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 on a パーカー! If a pullover hoodie isn’t your thing, you can also find the image on tote bags, dresses, and more. These are custom printed upon ordering, so don’t wait until the last minute or you may not receive yours by the holidays.

Buy at custom hoodie at Svaha – $60

Astronomy Activity Book For Kids

If you have five to seven year old kid on your holiday gift list who’s fascinated by galaxies far away, this activity book is a great choice. Written by a former NASA scientist and beautifully illustrated, it contains games and projects about space, information on how to find constellations and big astronomical events such as meteor showers, and more.

Buy Astronomy Activity Book at Amazon – $9

Super Cool Space Facts

If the kid on your list is more into cool facts and less into hands-on projects, 本書 is exactly what you think it is from the title: full of hundreds of space facts, along with full-color photos. It’s a great choice for any younger space nerd – but honestly, it’s a good read for the adults in your life who want to know more about space but don’t know where to start.

Buy Super Cool Space Facts at Amazon – $8


Every music lover and music maker needs a good pair of headphones. There are so many amazing sets out there to choose from, but I remain a dedicated fan of Sony’s affordable workhorse the MDR-7506. They’ve been a studio mainstay for decades for good reason. They’re natural sounding, light and comfortable enough to wear for hours, and reasonably priced. The MDR-7506s are equally at home monitoring a podcast, mixing a club banger or just listening to some vinyl. In short, they’re a great practical gift even if you’re operating under a tight budget. — テレンス・オブライエン、編集長

AmazonでSony MDR-7506を購入– 100ドル


Anyone who practices some sort of creative art – be it music, painting or writing – hits a block at some point. There’s tons of advice out there on how to overcome these hurdles, but one of the most famous is easily the オブリークストラテジー deck. Developed by Peter Schmidt and Brian Eno in 1975, each card contains an action or a way of thinking designed to shake up your approach to a thorny creative problem. “Use an unacceptable colour,” “Make a sudden, destructive unpredictable action; incorporate” and “Emphasize the flaws,” are the sorts of vague instructions you can expect. And how someone interprets the prompts will produce different results for each person. If you’re shopping for anyone with a creative streak, they’ll find a use for this deck. — T.O.

Buy Oblique Strategies at Eno Shop – $60


If you’re gift shopping for a music producer I can almost guarantee you they’re fans of J Dilla. He was a singular force in hip-hop, and has even had his MPC displayed at the Smithsonian. ディラタイム by Dan Charnas chronicles not just the life of Dilla (James DeWitt Yancey), but his legacy and the history of rhythm in America. In addition, there are graphics that help illustrate the concepts behind Dilla’s unique beats and what made him so special. It’s part biography, part history lesson and part practical music production guide. — T.O.

Buy Dilla Time at Amazon – $22

How to Write One Song

If there’s an aspiring songwriter on your list, consider picking them up a copy of How to Write One Song. Written by Jeff Tweedy of Wilco, this tome breaks down the process from beginning to end and encourages readers to start small; don’t try to become a “songwriter” just try to write a song. But this isn’t a rote how-to book, that sort of thing is only so helpful when it comes to mastering an artistic craft. It’s about building creativity into your everyday life. And just like any other skill, being creative requires practice. — T.O.

Buy How to Write One Song at Amazon – $19


血と汗とピクセル is a must-read for anyone with even a passing interest in video games. Across 268 captivating pages, ブルームバーグ journalist Jason Schreier shares how some of the most influential games of the past decade were made. Featuring interviews with the people who were there – including 私たちの最後の director Neil Druckmann and Eric Barone, the creator of Stardewバレー – the stories that populate 血と汗とピクセル shed a light on just how fraught the process of creating a game can be during even the best of times. It’s riveting reading for anyone who wants a more informed perspective on the craft. — Igor Bonifacic, Weekend Editor

Buy Blood, Sweat and Pixels at Amazon – $14

Logitech G305

させてはいけません Logitech G305’s affordable $40 price fool you, it’s a gaming mouse almost any gamer would happily add to their collection. At 99 grams, it’s one of the lighter mice in Logitech’s stable, and you can program all six buttons to your liking. It also includes the company’s fast and responsive Hero optical sensor and Lightspeed wireless technology for “wired-like” performance. A single AA battery provides the G305 with up to 250 hours of life, and you can get as much as nine months of use with some tweaking. Best of all, the G305 is available in a few different colors, including a handful of cheerful pastels. There’s even a K/DA version for fans of Riot’s virtual K-pop group. That versatility makes a perfect gift for a PC gamer. — I.B.

AmazonでLogitech G305を購入– 50ドル


If you’re buying a gift for someone who primarily plays games on their phone, consider treating them to the best mobile gamepad on the market. At $100, the バックボーンワン is pricey, but it easily surpasses competitors like the Razer Kishi in build quality. It also comes with a surprisingly robust companion app that makes capturing screenshots and clips from your play sessions a breeze. Each new Backbone One controller also comes with complimentary access to services like Xbox GamePass, giving owners a few different ways to add to their game library. — I.B.

Amazon で Backbone One を購入 – 100 ドル

Hades soundtrack

As Supergiant’s staff composer, Darren Korb has written some of the most memorable video game soundtracks in recent memory, but his work on ハデス may be his best yet. From start to finish, the Hades Original Soundtrack is filled with tunes like ”Out of Tartarus” & “The Unseen Ones” that will make you stand up and shred an air guitar. It’s the perfect gift for fans of ハデス (and there are many of those), but you can also give it to someone who hasn’t experienced the game yet. It might just convince them to play one of the best indies of the last few years. — I.B.

Buy Hades soundtrack at Bandcamp – $10

Hollow Knight

Okay, I lied. We do have one straightforward recommendation: Hollow Knight. Team Cherry’s debut title is one of the best games made in the past five years. It combines the exploration of a 2D メトロイド-like title with a challenging combat system that is reminiscent of FromSoftware’s Dark Souls series. Add to that a beautiful soundtrack, art style and story, and it’s easy to see why so many people are eagerly waiting for ホロウナイト upcoming sequel, Silksong. While we’re here, go the extra mile and gift your friend or loved one a physical copy of the game. It comes with a beautiful map of ホロウナイト 世界。 — I.B.

AmazonでHollow Knightを購入– $ 35

Laudate Luna

This gift will only appeal to fans of FromSoftware’s Dark Souls series, but let me tell you, if the person you’re buying for falls in that group, they will love you for it. Laudate Luna is a beautiful 12- by 36-inch print of Lordran, the setting where the first game takes place. Anyone who has fond memories of Dark Souls will be able to retrace their journey to Anor Lando and find all the places where they died repeatedly trying to conquer the game’s punishing combat. — I.B.

Buy Laudate Luna print at Fangamer – $36


If buying a gift for someone who enjoys gaming on their Nintendo Switch, there’s a good chance they’ll appreciate it if you get them more storage. The beauty of microSD cards is that they’re affordable. A company like サンディスク offers 512GB models for less than $100. That’s enough to install about 20 to 30 games. SanDisk sells Switch-specific models, but any UHS-1 compatible microSD card that offers transfer speeds of at least 60 MB/s will do. — I.B.

Buy SanDisk microSD card (128GB) at Amazon – $35

Mooas マルチキューブタイマー

One of the most difficult obstacles with working from home is all the distractions. You’re constantly sidetracked by temptations like TV, the internet or just easy access to the kitchen. A potential solution to that is to use one of these multi-cube timers from Mooas as a productivity tool. Each side corresponds to different lengths of time; to start the timer, you’ll flip the cube so your desired time faces upwards. Flipping the LCD display upwards again will pause it, while turning the display downwards will stop the timer.

There are a number of ways to use them, but I like using the Pomodoro Technique with these. I’ll enable the 30 minute timer which then encourages me to focus just on my work for the allotted time period. Once time is up, I give myself a five minute rest, and then I start it over again. You can also use them as a reminder to stand up and stretch every so often. These timers come in a variety of colors, each with different time pre-sets, so be sure to pick the one with the time lengths you think your loved one will want. — オランダ語

Buy Mooas timer at Amazon – $19

Logitech Lift Vertical mouse

If someone you love spends all of their time on a laptop for work, getting them a wireless mouse can improve the ergonomics of their setup immensely. Not only are they generally more comfortable to use than trackpads, but they can also help improve posture and prevent hand cramping – especially if you get a vertical mouse. Logitech’s Lift is one of its latest vertical mice and it’s ideal for small- to medium-sized hands (those with large hands should check out the MX Vertical instead). The 57-degree angle in its design places their hand in the natural handshake position, which will put less pressure on their wrist than a standard mouse would. It also has a comfortable, soft-touch finish with four customizable buttons that are easy to reach. They’ll be able to connect it to their laptop via a USB receiver or Bluetooth and, regardless of which method they choose, the Lift will last two years before needing replacement AA batteries. — 副社長

Buy Logitech Lift Vertical at Amazon – $70

Logitech C920S Pro Full HD webcam

Remote workers might not have to see their co-workers anymore, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have meetings. Any WFH employee will tell you that their days are often inundated with Zoom calls and Google Meet video conferences. That’s why an external webcam is essential, at least if you care about looking good. Our favorite is the Logitech C920S Pro HD webcam, which offers 1080p video quality, autofocus capabilities and white balance adjustment. One big benefit over regular built-in webcams is that they’ll be able to position it however they like, which makes it that much easier to put unsightly household messes out of view. It has a large 78-degree field of view plus a lens cover that will protect your loved ones’ privacy when not in use. — オランダ語

Buy Logitech C920S Pro Full HD at Amazon – $85

Those who sit at their desks all day will appreciate a more ergonomic setup for less back and neck pain. One way to achieve that is with the Ergofoam Ergonomic Adjustable Footrest, which helps provide fim support for your feet and ensure your sitting position is upright. The footrest is made out of memory foam and is covered in a plush velvet, making it super comfortable as well. This particular model is adjustable to two different heights, which is great for those who need a slightly taller footrest. Additionally, the footrest can be flipped upside down and used as a rocker to keep your feet moving, improving your circulation. — オランダ語

Buy Ergofoam foot rest at Amazon – $50
