Learn coding basics in this 15-hour course



Despite technical fields trending towards low-code or no-code solutions, if you're an individual or business in need of a digital solution, nothing quite measures up to what a skilled cover can create for you. But if you're on the other end and seeking a role in the tech industry, Learn the Basics of Coding & Technology is an excellent jumping-off point.

This 15-hour course includes 24 individual lectures covering the technology landscape today as well as some of the most important programming languages that people need to know if they want to get ahead. The course is taught by Upskillist, a global online education organization that allows students to learn at their own pace and progress at whatever rate they feel works for them.

Through these lectures, you'll learn about the four industrial revolutions and discover how immersive technologies and advents like artificial intelligence have impacted our digital society. You'll explore mobile technologies and smartphone devices, operating systems, software development, and get familiar with synchronous versus asynchronous programming. Some of the other topics you'll cover will include big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and more.

Along the way, you'll develop basic coding skills that will keep you up to speed with the technological revolution still unfolding in modern society. There's even a special focus on front-end web development to help you start building your first websites. The coursework is all aimed to teach you the fundamentals through a practical approach so that you'll be able to transition your newfound skills to the workforce with ease.

Enrolling in school to learn to code can take years of your life and cost you thousands. Give yourself a leg up in your coding journey with Learn the Basics of Coding & Technology. For a limited time, you can get this course for just $20.
