Nolah’s National Sleep Week promotions mean it’s a great time for a new mattress

Sleeping well is critical to your overall health, and it’s in your power to improve the quality and consistency of your rest. Your sleep may seem impossible to control, but healthy habits like maintaining a regular sleep schedule, getting plenty of sun exposure, exercising regularly, and eating nutritious meals go a long way. You can also get help from sleep aids and accessories, like sleep masks, white noise machines, and CPAP machines for sleep apnea. 

One major purchase can make a significant difference for your sleep health: buying the right mattress.  Whether you’re moving, getting married, have growing children, or simply want to upgrade, a new bed is an investment in your health and wellness. You’ll have your new mattress for the next 10 plus years, so be sure to shop carefully and find the right fit for your needs. 
