Save 15% today on Muse S Meditation Headband today

Mental health is more important than ever, and if you've been working on upping your meditation game, there are handy tools to help improve your focus. One such tool, the Muse S headband is a great way to improve posture, focus, and more – and it's currently 15% off with code SLEEP15.

The Muse S retails typically for $399. With the sale, you can get the Muse S for $340, saving you $59 on the device. It provides users a host of great features, including the ability to track your breathing to help manage stressors during meditation. You can even wear it to bed at night with its ability to provide “digital sleeping pills.” Using the brain waves that the headband tracks, it can signal to your brain that it's time to go to sleep and stay asleep. You can use the EEG to see how your meditation sessions are faring when you're not sleeping.

And, like we said before, it can track your posture to make sure you're staying in the correct space while you're meditating. You can track all of this from the accompanying app, and a premium subscription is available for those who want to connect the headband to their Spotify account and get access to over 500 meditations on stress, sleep, and more.

This sale runs through the end of the day, so if you want to improve your meditation game and sleep cycles, be sure to buy it as soon as possible to avoid those dreaded “out of stock” notifications. As a reminder, use code SLEEP15 to get the deal.

Amazon Prime Day 2022: Early Deals
