The 5 best electric cars of 2022


  • 132 MPGe (miles per gallon of gasoline-equivalent)
  • Estimated charging cost per year: $500
  • Up to 334 miles on a single charge
  • Max speed: 145 mph
  • Accelerate from 0-60 mph in 4.2 seconds
  • Max power: 430 hp
  • Full self-driving capability (autopilot, auto lane change, autopark, and more) with a $12,000 upgrade
  • Price: $59,490

The Tesla Model 3 is one of the top-selling electric cars of 2022, with good reason. It combines functionality with innovation at a higher price point. Cars usually depreciate in value over time but used Tesla prices show the opposite.

I once ordered a Lyft, and the driver showed up in a Model 3. I had no idea how to open the door. I didn't know right away that you had to press one side, and the other popped open as a handle. Once I was inside, I was blown away by the comfort of the car, the roof that took panoramic to another level, and the large touchscreen that the driver was using to navigate. 

The car has futuristic features, like autopark and auto lane change (part of the $12,000 upgrade to full self-driving capability). It's expensive but a solid investment with some cool perks.

Take the Tesla key card, for example. It's a sleek black card that fits perfectly into your wallet: Forget your keys no longer! If you have more than one Tesla, spanning different models, you can use your one specific key card to unlock them all. If you lose the key card, you can delete it from the car and order a replacement for $25. 

Say you forget to tap your card on your Tesla to lock it — the car has a walk-away feature that detects when you walk away and locks automatically (watch YouTuber POGAuto demonstrate here). If you leave the windows open, the car will automatically close them for you when it locks. You can also control the car from the Tesla app, opening and closing the trunk, flashing the lights just in case you're in a dark space and need to locate it, and much more. If you've ever had that moment of “oh no, I think I left my trunk open,” this is the car for you.


  • No key fob is necessary — just use the Tesla key card or the app
  • Amazing level of control over the car, even from afar, through the app
  • Lock valuables in the glovebox, which only opens to your preset PIN number
  • Two wireless chargers
  • Rear heated seats, including the middle seat


  • Pricey when compared to other options
  • The earliest estimated delivery is in six months
  • Back windows open halfway
