Your Cyberpunk 2077 expansion wait will be awhile

While Cyberpunk 2077 didn't have the smoothest launch, it's been getting regular fixes and adjustments over the last year, and now an expansion is not only confirmed, but we know it'll be arriving next year. That's quite the wait, and with a few more years it would actually be 2077 (we kid), for the ultimate headset-free VR experience.

On Thursday's financial call, CD Projekt Red revealed that the expansion will be arriving sometime in 2023. There are no details now on what the new content will be like, but it did also confirm that there would be more details later this year.

CD Projekt Red also reaffirmed continuing support for the game, which comes as no surprise after the massive 1.5 patch in February. It was welcome, if slow to arrive, and introduced PS5 and Xbox Series versions and a huge list of refinements, fixes, and changes.

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