I bought a CRT TV for a retro gaming setup – and it was an existential nightmare

Recently I’ve been eager to tap into my childhood nostalgia, and as a lifelong gamer, that’s primarily entailed dropping cash on a retro gaming setup. In a rose-tinted bid to re-experience the games of my youth, I went all out and bought a PS1 (the impressively tiny revision that’s still a looker, aesthetically), a bunch of games and, most importantly, a 14-inch Bush 1473T CRT TV to play them on. 

But with CRT being such an outdated display method, why bother buying one? After all, surely any modern TV should suffice if all you need to do is plug a console into it, right? Not quite. The problem with even the best 4K TVs is that they lack input for a SCART adaptor, the primary method for hooking up older consoles like the PS1 and N64 to AV.
