Not just fancy looks – innovative tech makes Roborock a market leader

What makes a high-quality robot vacuum? It’s not just a matter of one that looks fancy, with tons of widgets and whatsits that make us think they’ve got a lot of powerful abilities. It takes some serious innovation to make a game-changing robot vacuum, and that’s what Roborock continues to do with its market-leading machines.

At its heart, a robot vacuum is meant to take one of the more common chores around the house and handle it for you. No more sweeping and vacuuming around the house to keep it clean. The extra investment to get a robot vacuum can pay for itself in the time it saves you cleaning up all the time. But, without meaningful innovations, some robot vacuums fall behind. While they replace the chore of vacuuming, they can create new headaches — finding a vacuum tangled on shoelaces, trapped under a seat, having failed to clean everywhere, or having created an entirely new mess.
