WWE 2K22 release date, roster and news

WWE 2K22 is coming and its slogan is promising that it “hits different”, suggesting that the series' hiatus period might have been just the thing to reinvigorate it. Fans will certainly be hoping that WWE 2K22 is a significant improvement over the disastrous WWE 2K20, which led to WWE 2K21 being canceled.

But what do we know about WWE 2K22 so far? Well, we know the game is expected to release in March 2022, bucking the series' October release trend. We also know that when it does release, it'll feature new controls, more than 3,400 new animations, updated graphics, and a redesigned engine. The game also uses a new facial scanning technology, with publisher 2K Games claiming that 85% of the in-game roster has taken part in having their likenesses scanned into the game. 
