You can’t buy a cheap mirrorless camera because a perfect storm blew them away

The last two years have been a bonanza for professional photographers. But for those of us who want an affordable mirrorless camera? Not so much. The good new options, like the Sony ZV-E10 or Fujifilm X-S10, are often frustratingly difficult to find in stock. And the cheaper mid-range classics, from the likes of Canon and Nikon, haven't been updated in years.

The obvious explanation – the global chip shortage – is only part of the problem. It's been whipped into a superstorm because manufacturers, particularly Sony and Canon, have seemingly given up on affordable mirrorless cameras. While professional, full-frame systems get all the love, those who want their smarts in a less financially-bruising package have been left feeding on relative scraps.

(Image credit: Sony)

Not that it's impossible to buy a cheap, modern mirrorless camera – stock shortages vary by region, and fine new options like the Nikon Zfc are widely available. But our temperature check of the big manufacturers and retailers in the US and UK shows that the ‘enthusiast' market is probably less-than-enthused with the options you can currently buy.
